Bechstein Hall, Londen

The long-established German piano manufacturer Carl Bechstein will return to Wigmore Street, London in 2024. The company opened its first Bechstein Hall at 36 Wigmore Street in 1901. The conversion of 18-22 Wigmore Street includes the new 100-seat Bechstein Hall, a two-storey showroom, a selection room for rental pianos, individual practice rooms and apartments for visiting musicians. Kahle Acoustics is providing acoustical design services for the Bechstein Hall.


Transformatie Bechstein Hall

Locatie London, United Kingdom.

Bouwkosten £30 million (approx. 35 million € according to the opening year's conversion rate).

Periode Design: 2020-2021. Construction 2022-2024. Opening: November 2024.

Opdrachtgever Carl Bechstein London Limited.

Architect(en) Purcell Architecture Ltd, London, United Kingdom

Interieurarchitect(en) Door Nineteen, London, United Kingdom

Theateradviseur(s) Stage Right Theatre Consultants, United Kingdom

Bouwondernemer(s) Myco Ltd, United, London, United Kingdom

Capaciteit 100-seat recital hall and recording/live-stream control room.

Gebruik The Bechstein Hall will host solo piano and chamber music concerts and will also be used as a venue for recording sessions. An acoustically treated control room is provided for recording sessions and live-streaming events.

Werkzaamheden Acoustic consulting and design, specification, construction supervision and commissioning services for the Bechstein Hall and control room. Building acoustics and room acoustics consultancy for the remaining areas by Sound Solutions Ltd, United Kingdom.

Adviseur(s) Evan Green, Kahle Acoustics.

1/6Bechstein HallBechstein Hall is dedicated to classical music performances such as piano recitals, smaller chamber music concerts, lectures, screenings and recording sessions. The interior of the intimate 100-seat recital hall is shaped to project the sound from the performer(s) to the furthest seats. The angled wall and ceiling panels carry the sound to the audience ensuring that every listener has a strong connection with the music and musicians on stage. Foto © Bechstein
2/6Bechstein HallThe optimised natural acoustic is combined with electronic active acoustics to create the sensation of a hall that is audibly taller, larger and acoustically more expansive. Loudspeakers and microphones have been integrated into the upper walls and ceiling. Foto © Chris Snook
3/6Bechstein HallThe ventilation has been invisibly integrated into the sides of the ceiling, enabling the central ceiling height to be raised. Acoustically optimized curved reflectors in the central ceiling area are angled to project the sound to the last rows. Foto © Bechstein<
4/6Bechstein HallAcoustically optimised finishes, such as this upwards angled wall panelling, project the sound energy upwards to acoustically “activate” the volume above the audience. Walls around the stage are angled in plan to ensure that the sound is carried to the furthest rows. Optimised areas of sound absorption are integrated into the rear stage wall to reduce loudness in this area and to optimise the spatial reverberation balance. Foto © Chris Snook
5/6Bechstein HallSightlines and “sound-lines” have been improved by gently raking the floor. In addition, chairs of different heights have been used to provide a smooth transition. Extensive production lighting, audio and recording equipment have been integrated between the ceiling reflectors. Foto © Acoustics
6/6Bechstein HallThe original building façade of 18-22 Wigmore Street in 1893 and in 2024. The façade has been renovated and the historic proportions of the shop windows restored. Foto © Bechstein