MuCH, Koningin Elisabeth Muziekkapel, Waterloo
The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Waterloo, Belgium (listed building) will be extended with the construction of a large orchestral rehearsal and performance hall along with three garden pavilions for music students to stay and rehearse. The large rehearsal hall will be used for chamber music, orchestral ensembles and choirs and will also be used as a recording venue.
Renovatie/Transformatie MuCH, Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
Locatie Waterloo, Belgium. Listed building.
Bouwkosten undisclosed.
Periode Design: 2020-2024. Construction: 2025-2026. Opening: 2026.
Opdrachtgever Chapelle Musicale, Waterloo, Belgium.
Architect(en) Synergy International (SI Studio), Brussels, Belgium
Capaciteit Large rehearsal hall for orchestra and 3 student pavilions. Total area of the building: 1 000 m² of which 400 m² for main rehearsal hall.
Gebruik Chamber music, orchestral ensembles, choirs for rehearsals recordings and performances.
Werkzaamheden Full acoustic concept and detailed design of rehearsal spaces, including construction supervision.
Adviseur(s) Eckhard Kahle, Thomas Wulfrank, Kahle Acoustics.