Théâtre Jean Vilar, Louvain-la-Neuve
In the 1970's, at the heart of pedestrianised urban centre of the only post-modern Belgian university town, Louvain-la-Neuve, the Theatre Jean Vilar, initially conceived to host the university canteen became instead a European drama institution standing as an inclusive and socially-oriented cultural centre, a symbol of what Mr Jean Vilar, comedian, playwright, and Founder of the Avignon festival and of the Théâtre national populaire (national popular theatre) in France, fought for.
This renovation-transformation project involves rethinking accessibility and integration within the University City, bringing it up to standards and norms and restructuring its interiors (such as the 90° rotation and height increase of the auditorium without raising the roof of the entire building). It revitalises this French-language theatre dedicated to a wide array of performances and creations from classical to contemporary be it drama, music, dance or circus and for all generations.
Renovatie/Transformatie Théâtre Jean Vilar
Locatie Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Bouwkosten 9.8 millions €.
Periode Competition: 2015-2016. Design: 2017-2021. Construction: 2022-2024. Opening: September 2024.
Opdrachtgever Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (CFWB), Province du Brabant wallon (INBW), Belgium.
Architect(en) Ouest Architecture, Brussels, Belgium
Theateradviseur(s) ArtScéno, Geneva, Switzerland
Capaciteit A 400-seat theatre hall of 500 m², a recording room, a control room, offices, technical equipment rooms, a foyer, a bar and a restaurant. Total surface area 3 500 m².
Gebruik Theatre dedicated to a wide array of live drama performances for all generations offers classical and contemporary drama, be they Belgian creations or from abroad, along with dance, circus and young audience shows.
Werkzaamheden Comprehensive acoustic consulting services for the entire project from competition to commissioning.
Adviseur(s) Thomas Wulfrank, Juan Oscar García Gómez, Otavio Colella Gomes, Eckhard Kahle, Kahle Acoustics.