L'Auditori, Barcelona

L'Auditori Barcelona was designed by Pritzker Prize winning architect Rafael Moneo and was inaugurated in 1999. Since opening, the hall has been the home of the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and the National Orchestra of Catalonia and became the home of the Barcelona Municipal Band in 2007. These two historic ensembles have played a fundamental role in Barcelona's musical life since the 19th century.

Along with the 2 199-seat concert hall, Sala 1 Pau Casals and several smaller chamber music halls, L'Auditori centre is also home to the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) and the Museu de la Música.

The Sala 1 Pau Casals concert hall, while considered to have good acoustics for the audience, was reported to have challenging on-stage hearing conditions for musicians. In January 2022, Kahle Acoustics was therefore invited to conduct acoustic tests to investigate the on-stage hearing conditions and to determine how the stage acoustics in Sala 1 Pau Casals could be improved. Listening tests using temporary reflection and absorption surfaces were carried out, with feedback gathered from the musicians in real-time as alterations were made. These tests resulted in a suite of measures to improve on-stage hearing conditions, including suspended reflectors, acoustically optimised side balcony fronts for musical cross-communication and additional absorption areas to improve orchestral balance and reduce loudness. Based on Kahle Acoustics' proposals, an architectural tender has been launched, with the stage acoustics improvements due to be carried out in 2024.


Inregeling/Interventie L'Auditori   https://www.auditori.cat/

Locatie Barcelona, Spain.

Periode January 2022-March 2024.

Klant Auditori, Barcelona.

Architect(en) Original Design Architect (1987-1999): Rafael Moneo, Madrid, Spain   rafaelmoneo.com  •  Stage Acoustics Improvements: AIA (Activitats Installacions Arquitectòniques), Barcelona   www.aia.cat  •  Oriol Esteller, Construcció i Control, Barcelona   construccioicontrol.com

Plaats van interventie Sala 1 Pau Casals concert hall with 2 199 seats. (Halls 2-4, music conservatory and music museum not part of Kahle Acoustics' scope.)

Gebruik Symphonic music, chamber music, jazz, electronic music, Flamenco and contemporary music.

Geleverde diensten Room acoustics consultancy services for stage acoustics improvements, listening tests and mockups, measurements, acoustical feasibility study, input to architectural tender. Construction supervision and tuning/commissioning to be completed in 2024.

Adviseur(s) Eckhard Kahle, Thomas Wulfrank, Vincent Berrier, Evan Green, Cees Mulder, Kahle Acoustics.

1/6L'Auditori BarcelonaSala 1 Pau Casals after the stage's acoustic improvements: suspended wooden acoustic tilted reflectors, acoustically optimized, tilted balcony fronts to improve musical communication across stage, some acoustically optimized choir benches and micro-perforated wood panels in the rear niche so as to provide absorption behind the brass and percussions' sections both to improve orchestral balance and to reduce loudness. Foto © Kahle Acoustics
2/6L'Auditori BarcelonaRehearsal prior to the inaugural concert of the acoustically optimised Sala 1 Pau Casals. Foto © Kahle Acoustics
3/6L'Auditori BarcelonaInaugural concert seen here from the last balcony of Sala 1 Pau Casals. Foto © Kahle Acoustics
4/6L'Auditori BarcelonaSala 1 Pau Casals after the stage's acoustic improvements: suspended wooden acoustic tilted reflectors, acoustically optimized, tilted balcony fronts to improve musical communication across stage, some acoustically optimized choir benches and micro-perforated wood panels in the rear niche so as to provide absorption behind the brass and percussions' sections both to improve orchestral balance and to reduce loudness. Foto © Kahle Acoustics
5/6L'Auditori BarcelonaThe suspended acoustic reflectors, the acoustically optimised balcony fronts by the stage, the additional absorption in the back of the stage improve communication within the orchestra, reduce loudness on stage and enhance orchestral balance, while maintaining the excellent acoustics in the audience area. Foto © Kahle Acoustics
6/6L'Auditori BarcelonaAs seen from the parterre onto the suspended wooden acoustic reflectors as they improve the musical communication across the stage and project the sound towards the audience. It enhances orchestral balance while maintaining the excellent acoustics in the audience area. Foto © Kahle Acoustics